Posted by: Anna Webb | August 11, 2009

Felicia, Maka and the Perseid Meteor Shower

Downgraded to a tropical depression, Felicia sits northeast of the Hawaiian Islands while tropical storm Maka develops southwest of the Islands

Downgraded to a tropical depression, Felicia sits northeast of the Hawaiian Islands while tropical storm Maka develops southwest of the Islands

Felicia has been downgraded to a tropical depression. If we’re lucky Felicia will move westward, north of the Hawaiian Islands, and the newly developed tropical storm Maka, stationed to the southwest of the islands, will move on to the west/northwest. They both seem to be in “queue” in their respective locations, with the Hawaiian Islands sandwiched in the middle.

Regardless, the next couple of days should still prove interesting as far as the weather is concerned. “The foxes are circling the hen house”, so to speak, and with El Nino (warmer Pacific Ocean temperatures) it’s anyone’s and everyone’s game.

Meanwhile, if we are fortunate enough to enjoy clear skies tonight and tomorrow night the Perseid meteor shower should put on an impressive show. The best viewing will be between midnight and 5am (no matter where you live in any time zone) but the night sky after dark should sport some “shooting stars” prior to moonrise around midnight. Go outside and look toward the northeast sky between 9pm and 11pm for the good views prior to moonlight washing out the smaller ones. Try to get a view as Perseid area will rise from the horizon as night time falls.

Getting back to tropical depression Felicia…storm tracking still projects her to cross paths with Maui, although the time of arrival has been delayed until 8pm tonight. Personally, when I look at the satellite, I’m doubtful that she will cross paths with the Hawaiian islands at all.

Tropical depression Maka southwest of the islands has now been upgraded to a tropical storm and looks like it’s being drawn up to the northeast. Luckily it developed once nearly PAST the islands and not before. Stay tuned for updates as appropriate. Otherwise remember, “surf’s up” and be safe out there.

Perseid Meteor Shower article on

Central Pacific Hurricane Center advisory for Tropical Storm Maka heading northwest

Central Pacific Hurricane Center track projection for Tropical Storm Maka

CPHC 5am 8/11/09 track projection and advisory for Tropical Depression Felicia
